“Colin!” Noelle darted out of the den and grabbed Colin’s hand once again. “We’re waiting for you to play.”
“Oops, sorry. I’m ready now. Do I get to choose the song?”
“It’s Grady’s turn to choose.”
Of course, it was. Colin allowed himself to be led away from the front door, bracing himself the entire way for dealing with Grady now, on top of everything else from the day. He was greeted by the sight of Grady sipping the fresh coffee Noelle had just brought, wearing the pink scarf she often used for dress-up, tied around his head Bret Michaels style.
Grady grinned when he saw the pair of them, but quickly slid his gaze to Noelle. “I’m ready to tackle Dead on Arrivalagain. I promise, you won’t have to save me this time.”