“I’m definitely going to fuck you.”
To quell the shudders already coursing through him, Grady curled his other leg around Colin’s, in anticipation of spreading for him for real, and wrapped his arms around Colin’s shoulders. His fingertips dug into the hard muscle, and he buried his mouth in the curve of Colin’s neck, mimicking the attack Colin was making on his skin. He had to pause every time Colin scraped his beard over him, because his lungs always seized at the rough contact, but he made it up by leaving no inch untouched.
Their groins rubbed against each other with matching strokes. It teased of what it would be like once Colin was buried inside him, and how his cock would slide across that hard stomach every time Colin moved. He hadn’t been fucked in almost a year, and that guy hadn’t exactly been well endowed. The knowledge that he would be tight for this added to his excitement. Both of them would remember this long after the night was gone.