Chapter 60

Grady’s arm turned, his hand sliding down the front of Colin’s stomach. Colin expected hot fingers to curl around his cock, wanted it more than anything, but Grady chose instead to grasp the base, his fingertips digging into Colin’s balls.

“Did you still want to ride me?” Grady licked along his neck. “You can take all you want, then.”

“Yes oh please yes.”

Grady pumped his hips once more before pulling free. He collapsed beside Colin, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his cock jutting up from between his thighs. Colin wasted no time straddling his hips, eagerly reaching behind him to grip Grady’s hard flesh. He guided the tip to his entrance and sank back, stunned by how easily his body accepted Grady’s width now. Colin pushed down and arched his back, taking every single inch. New pleasure erupted inside of him, traveling up his spine and spreading through his arms and legs.