“The Ritz-Carlton, Central Park,” he instructed the cab driver when he slid into the back seat.
“Wow, really? That’s…much nicer than I expected.”
Grady reached across and took Colin’s hand. Already, he felt better. “You deserve it. Plus, it’s not that far away from my father’s apartment.”
“How far? Maybe I could wait for you in the taxi or the lobby of Oliver’s building.”
“It’s walking distance.” He’d never make Colin wait for him like that, but his words suggested a different possibility, one Grady was almost afraid to consider. “You wouldn’t be afraid of running into him?” he tested.
“I’m not afraid of Oliver James. I guess I’d want to avoid running into him because I wouldn’t want to say something that might upset you, too.”
“I don’t think you could say anything right now that could possibly make this situation any worse.”
“You have so little faith in my ability to find something insulting and wholly inappropriate to say?”