“Please tell me we’re through the worst of it now. Lie to me if you have to.”
“You’re through the worst of it.” He slapped at Colin’s bottom. “You should get some sleep.”
“We both should.” Colin peered up from over his arm. “You look like warmed-over death.”
“I can’t. Not yet, anyway.” He smiled at Colin, though his blue eyes weren’t as bright as usual. “The FTC meeting is at nine sharp. I have to make an appearance, in case my father decides to show up and throw a wrench in the works.”
“You can’t go by yourself. If Oliver does show up, you’ll need to have somebody there who doesn’t mind making a complete ass of himself.”
“That’s what the lawyers are for.” Rolling onto his side, Grady bent and brushed a kiss across Colin’s temple. “It won’t be for too long. I just have to get the ball rolling. But I appreciate the offer. You have no idea how much I needed you tonight.”