Chapter 10

“If you drop me, I reserve the right to say I told you so.”

Lucas couldn’t help his wide grin. “If I drop you, I’ll even tell myself you told me so.”

His heart started beating again when Ian resumed his climb. His pace was actually slower than it had been before, but it was upward, which was all that mattered. As soon as he was within reach, he took a deep breath and looked up.

Lucas didn’t need a beacon to see what was so clearly etched there now.

Don’t let me down.

Their hands met and slid past the other, each man reaching a firmer grip around a strong wrist. Lucas felt the burn immediately, the sharp yank of added weight against muscles that might have been ready but not quite as prepared as he’d hoped. He slid precious inches, the friction sliding his coat along his waist, scraping across bare skin. He caught a glimpse of panic in Ian’s eyes. That certainty he was about to plummet to a bone-crushing death.

Not if Lucas had anything to do about it.