They were on the bridge crossing the bay when he commented, “You think I’m going to need my passport for a trip to Cairo, don’t you?”
Time had relaxed Lucas again, bringing back the playful man Ian was coming to know so well. “I was a Boy Scout. I make sure I’m always prepared.”
Somehow, that didn’t surprise Ian in the slightest.
* * * *
Susanna’s contact turned out to be an attorney with a wife who worked fairly high up in the local office for US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Mr. Tyler took Ian’s information with a quiet confidence, enough to convince Ian that things might work out after all. He wasn’t entirely sure how US Immigration could do anything to help him retrieve a British passport, but at this point, he had to have faith in something. He was going to start with this.
“Come back at four.” They shook hands as they rose from the table. “I’ll have everything for you then.”
“So soon?” Ian blurted.