Chapter 12

In short order they got the horses ready to go.

“He’s so fuzzy,” Julie giggled, running her hand along Pinecone’s neck. “And soft.”

“Yeah, I’m partial to them in their winter woolies.”

“I can certainly see why.”

With the horses tacked, Belle led the way out of the barn. Her gaze flickered to the farmhouse. She adjusted her stirrups, trying to ignore the question that popped into her head. Another check of the girth to make sure it was snug. She repeated the process with Pinecone for Julie.

Belle thought she saw a curtain move in an upstairs window. “What about Hector?” she finally asked. “Will he worry when he wakes to find us gone?”

Julie shook her head. “He’s a big boy, he’ll manage. Also, I left him a note taped to the oven. I figure he’ll see it when he goes for the food.” Julie made a sweeping gesture with her hand. “Shall we be on our way?” 7