Chapter 9

“Yes,” I whispered and sat back on my haunches and reached for a condom. I tore it open with shaking hands, rolling it on clumsily.

Connor’s face was turned to the right and for a few seconds I stared at him. His flushed cheeks, his slightly parted lips, those long lashes, that mop of dark hair. My heart squeezed and I wondered why I never realized before now how precious he really was. How could I be so blind?

Those impossibly long lashes lifted. “Mackenzie?”

“Yeah,” I said hoarsely. “Just a second.”

Grabbing the lube, I squirted out a generous amount and slipped my index finger inside him. It slid in fairly easily since I’d wet him with my saliva. I added a second finger and pumped them within him.

I noticed his hand working his dick and decided I couldn’t wait to be inside him any longer. I withdrew my fingers and slathered more lube over my sheathed cock.