“Come, come, don’t be obtuse. I’m prepared to offer you fifty thousand dollars to leave the country.”
“Fifty thousand?” It took an effort to keep my jaw from dropping again, but Halliwell apparently misunderstood.
“Very well, I’m a busy man. I don’t have time to haggle with you. A hundred thousand, and not a penny more. In exchange, you’ll never speak of this incident or attempt to contact Cameron.”
“I take it you’re in the habit of cleaning up your son’s messes.”
“Don’t try my patience, young man. Your father is not enough of a friend that I’d have any qualms in having you disposed of.”
He’d succeeded in disconcerting me again. “You’re threatening to have me killed?” I winced as a sudden roar of fury seemed to burst through my head.
Halliwell gave me another tight smile. “I’m a very powerful man in this country, and you would hardly be missed.”
That careless remark hit home. No, no one would miss me.
I would, my precious one