Chapter 111

“—except for Cristovao.”

“That’s so, and who knows where that bastard has gotten to,” da Rosa snapped. He was still annoyed he’d been taken in by the man.

“If you report the incident, we will all be held up in Manaus, possibly for months.”

“This is true,” the captain had to concede. “I have a number of…um…fishing trips booked, and frankly, I can’t afford to lose the revenue they’ll provide.”

I blinked. Once again he didn’t sound like an uneducated fisherman. I gazed around, but no one else commented, so neither did I.

“Then we’re agreed?”

They all turned to look at me, and I had to nod. I just wanted to get back to the lagoon.

“What will you do, my dear Doctor Dinah?” Carlos asked.

“I’ll remain in Manaus until Leo is released from hospital.” An ambulance was waiting at the dock to take him to a local facility. “His head wound may prove to be minor, but I intend to make sure there are no lasting ill effects.”