I gave myself a shake and strolled to the clerk who had assisted me. “Can you suggest a nearby restaurant?”
He looked up, bored. “Try Jantar de Pato. It’s on Rua 10 de Julho.”
“Thanks very much.”
I found the small café, and while I sipped my cacha?a—the distilled spirit made from fermented sugarcane juice—and waited for my dinner, I considered what I’d have to do at Pesadelo Bay
I was determined to get the D’ilian’s hand back to my lover. Intense examination by any scientist worth his salt would reveal the hand was not from something of this planet. Since it had been found on a specific stretch of the Amazon River, the search would concentrate there, possibly leading to the discovery of the big Brachi. Frankly, I didn’t think my fellow Terrans were ready to learn aliens walked among us.