I leaned against a tree and stared out at the lagoon, at the Jo, at the happiness that now filled my life.
What do you think of it?
It’s lovely, isn’t it?
You like it? His jaws parted in a smile some might have found frightening, but I found endearing.
I do
I thought it might be easier for you if you didn’t have to make that long underwater swim
I couldn’t conceal how gratified I felt.
You’ll also be able to anchor your vessel beneath the overhanging branches and keep her concealed as well
Thank you. No one else had ever done anything like this for me.
And he’d done even more. A small chamber near the one we shared was warmed by a hot springI never thought…How did you manage this?
It can get cold this far underground. Especially if I went around nakedI couldn’t help snickering.I don’t want you getting chilled.