I stooped and stroked a finger over the tiny alien’s head and spine. It was soft, covered in what looked like scales but felt like feathers. No doubt they would harden over time, although my lover’s scales were like supple skin. Welcome to our home, little one, I thought to it as it rolled onto its back and clasped my finger between its little front legs.I’m going to call you—
—Maggie, it thought back at me.
He bolted into the chamber.What’s wrong?
It can talk!
Well, of course it can.
But it’s so young.
D’ilians mature rapidly.
What is it?Something shading his thought struck me as off.
We’ll discuss it later.
All right. I looked down at Maggie. The baby D’ilian was staring up at me with its big green eyes. Is it all right if I pick it up?
Why don’t you ask it?
I hadn’t even thought of that.Maggie, would you mind if Papa picks you up? It held up its little front legs, and I gathered it up. And you’d better not be rolling your eyes, Ric’u. You’re its daddy now, too