“Maggie gave me Esme.”
“Who’s Maggie?” My uncle looked confused but charmed by my son. “Who’s Esme?”
“Maggie is my sibling. Esme is my snake.”
Lyn groaned. “I think I’m getting a headache.”
Da’, please let Daddy know we’re on our way. I put him down and he scampered off.
“Are you sure he’s only a year old? He’s so…active.”
“He is.” I picked up my facemask and air tank. “Come on.” I caught Lyn’s elbow and tugged him along with me. “I’ll tell you about my family.”Epilogue
As we walked into the tunnel that led to the home I had made with my lover and our children, I kept it short and sweet, explaining to my uncle my older child was a D’ilian—”It looks a little unusual, but you’ll grow used to it.” Da’ hadn’t been adopted—”He’s flesh of my flesh, and Ric is his other father.” And Ric was from a planet in a galaxy thousands of lightyears away.
“So when you say he’s an alien, you mean a literal alien.”