Dozens upon dozens of white-robed women walled him in on all sides, and emitted light from every angle. Thankfully, his goggles deflected it, but it was extremely disconcerting to be presented with so many enemies that looked exactly the same.
Being confronted with agents who looked the same must be equally disconcerting. The doubles were all shifting, so he couldn’t keep track of all of them. The real revolutionary out there could be blending in, or she could have left, and it was impossible to tell which. His only plan was to keep shooting until one of them reacted.
To Seven’s left, Eighty-Eight made a gurgling noise. Thousands of ants crawled up Eighty-Eight’s legs, so he appeared to be sinking into them, like drowning in liquid. The ants were a vivid red, and they were writhing about, all over each other and Eighty-Eight.
“It’s not real!” Seven yelled.