Careful fingers gently lifted his goggles, and Seven blinked at the sudden change in light perception.
“Your eyes are blue,” Fox said. “I still haven’t had a chance to check any other agents’ eyes, so I can’t be sure that means you really are different.”
“We’re all different,” Seven said defensively. “It’s just that you can’t tell by looking at us.”
“How do you tell?”
“I…” Seven didn’t know. He just could
“I know a way.”
Fox leaned in, and Seven couldn’t think. Their noses brushed and he felt his heart banging against his ribcage so hard it almost hurt. His stomach fluttered violently, and for one mad instant, he thought Fox was going to—
Their foreheads touched, and abruptly, they were in Seven’s domain. Seven was relieved for one brief instant before he remembered that Fox being in his domain was a bad situation for him, and for their entire operation. But even so, he wouldn’t have known how to react if Fox had done what Seven thought he’d been about to do.