Chapter 46

As Seven looked around his domain, Fox drew a deep breath, thinking of the clue he’d seen in Simon’s domain, written on the wall in Simon’s spiky, erratic letters. He didn’t like how the clue sounded, what he thought it might say about him. But he still wanted to try to get back all of King’s memories, and to do that, he needed to find his own clue

He didn’t want to write down the clue, so he waited for Seven to finish sight-seeing and to sit next to him at one of the tables overlooking the stream.

One day a desert started

A sunny summer day

It grew up from a bitter thought

The day you went away

It has no desert flowers

No springs or signs of life

It thrives on your abandonment

The proof of it is rife

The head in which the desert grows

Does not wait for your return

But in retaliation

All bridges crossed will burn

It sprung up from a moment

That sunny summer day

A mind that burns its flowers

And always runs away