Suddenly, the door behind them opened, and in walked King.
“Is it safe to come out yet?” he asked, looking around.
Karl’s seething mass froze in surprise, and in that instant, Fox picked out the centre of the storm and lunged. For a moment, he thought he had miscalculated as his body cut through the mist without resistance. Then, his forehead slammed into an immovable force, and he was hurtled straight into the middle of Karl’s domain.
He was still surrounded by mist, this time more of a silvery-grey, thicker and more benign. It floated in wisps around him, cool and slightly slick. Fox shivered.
“There won’t be anything here for you to find,” Karl said from all around him. “What makes you think I’ll make it easy to read my mind?”
“Oh, nothing,” Fox said, looking around. “I just have a tendency to get into places I’m not supposed to be and finding things no one wanted me to ever find.”
“Not this time,” Karl snarled.
Fox ignored him and wandered farther into the mist.