King continued. “Eventually, problems from IRL began to creep into our conversations, and the more we were able to fix them between us, the more it happened. That’s how it came to be known to me that Karl’s research was valuable and there were those trying to take it from him. However, this was one problem for which we were having difficulty finding a solution.”
That sounded like more, to Fox. Not just a partnership. King’s words spoke of a friendship, one that King had valued and that Karl had thrown to the wayside. How would Fox feel if Joanne were the traitor? Even then, he hadn’t known anything about Joanne IRL. This was even more than that.
Fox tried to think of a friend IRL that he trusted as much as King had trusted Karl and drew a complete blank. The harder he thought about this, the more Fox wondered, where were all the friends he was supposed to have by this time in his life? Did his mistrust run so deep that he couldn’t think of a friend like that?