Chapter 14

“A call from WWOH-TV to OSHA has revealed three citations of conditions called ‘serious infractions’ since work began after Memorial Day.”

“This isn’t ColonyScape’s first brush with controversy, is it, Adam?”

A condensation of time-stamped city council sessions where dissenters speak rushes by in digital page turns.

“To be sure, Lynn. This project was beset with complaints from historical groups who monitor the revitalized downtown. Then came legal challenges from business owners on sewer concerns and inadequate parking.”

Here comes the best part.

“Astoundingly, a production company shooting a TV commercial was there when the accident occurred—

“What an amazing age we live in, satellite imaging, TMZ, Google maps, surveillance tapes,” her co-anchor marvels.

“And this remarkable footage was shared exclusively with WWOH-TV.”

“Some prick sold it to the news?” Potsy yells.

“We must warn you, what you’re about to see, while not graphic, may be upsetting to some viewers.”