Chapter 20

Dee takes LezbyAnn’s arm and drops her voice to congratulate me. “That no-minister thing? Good call.”

Absently shaking hands, I watch and listen, fearful of LezbyAnn’s fearlessness.

“Find me an ashtray, dude,” she’s saying to Dee.

“You can’t light up in here.”

“Fuck me with a table leg! Who doesn’t need a cigarette to work through this shit?”

I glance at my open palm at a business card. “Whoever handed me this was good, like a pickpocket. I didn’t even know it.”

Potsy takes it and reads: “G.R.P.L.Grieving Person’s League. A support group.”

Kerrick offers me a piece of chewing gum.

They keep coming.

Potsy whispers, “It’s The CoDepends.”

A Liberace pompadour and Dame Edna’s eyewear shuffle toward me. Lou and Herb are old queens we met at gay tennis. They sat on benches and provided hilarious commentary on whose balls were out. They are both wearing something at the throat not quite ascot, not quite tie.