“I had the impression this was the environment to heal all that in.”
“If we make it into your Blackberry,” Barb says, smarting because I cited her deformed cervix.
“We haven’t seen you for three weeks,” Adele says.
“I didn’t realize there was a mandatory roll call.” I’m not going to say anything about my surgery or the downtime, because a member will invariably cast their arms wide and implore, “Why didn’t you reach out?”
Sally’s smile is treacly. “There’s comfort in consistency.”
Marnie tries to interpret this as informational. “Besides, it helps us allunderstand.”
“Understand what? Your gay panic?” I hear myself demanding.
“I adore a niece who’s very mannish,” Marnie points out.
“I’m not here to educate any of you. I’m tired of seeking approval. Trying to gain my own, then a half-assed endorsement from the rest of the world.”