If Didion alienated me, the book I’m working on now in our pool angers me. It is A Single Man, by Christopher Isherwood. An inscription inside implored me not to see the movie. It’s boring…all extreme close-ups and grainy film stock…Tom Ford naked for two hours would’ve been better. Please read this.Written in 1964 and hailed as a forerunner of gay fiction, it concerns George, a middle-aged California college professor, over twenty-four hours. His lover Jim has been dead for several months. He was killed in a car accident. Their dog was in the car. All closeted George does is mope. I’d rather be Sally Bowles, one of Isherwood’s other creations. My benefactor must think of me as this English-born protagonist, the ex-pat outsider. Isherwood ultimately leaves him drunk and probably dead. Any Cliffs Notes for this would be printed on jaundice-colored paper.