She goes brrrrrrr. “Do you know how to work this digital thermostat? And how do I lower this blasted shade? Also, why is the bathroom exhaust fan rattling?” Small wonder Ted has such dark circles. He must get no sleep, always Olivia-proofing their house.
I scan through hundreds more stations and happen upon the new HBO series starring Chaz Stewart. In this scene, he’s engaged in some exposition about the curmudgeonly building super. He spouts a bon mot that posthumously shames Paul Lynde. If that’s not enough, he kicks up a back leg so high the heel touches the vent of his velvet smoking jacket.
The Imagenation flash-drive sits on the coffee table. I don’t touch it, but I stretch, as if it might play like a hologram.
I find my iPad. I find the USB port.
An .mp4 begins with broadcast color bars.
Tone segues to countdown.
The canted video image finally stabilizes.