There are a lot more rules than GRPL, delivered by a woman in overalls and no blouse, obviously from the Deep South because she bites into every word. “Do not talk over one another. No interrupting. Yes, raising your hand is an interruption. Making a face will result in expulsion. Forgetting or neglecting your homework insults those who did not.”
Homework? I listen but say nothing for the next seventy minutes as I picture myself in a dunce cap. The other freshmen and I are assigned to write an audit of where we think we are in the grief process.
“Sometimes you don’t know your story until you write it. It doesn’t have to be original. It just has to be real,” drawls Overalls, who pronounces “real” as “rail.” “You can write a posthumous letter to the person. Bring sections of your diary, if you kept one. Say what you wish the minister had said.”