Chapter 4

“This is for you. You have to try it.”

Deacon eyed it warily, but he took the plate I handed him. “What is it?”

“The best pumpkin roll you’ve ever put in your mouth.”

I could see the skepticism all over his face, but he gamely took a bite. As soon as the flavors hit his tongue, he let out an obscene moan that had my dick sitting up and taking notice. I just grinned.

“My God, that’s good.”

“Right?” I waggled my eyebrows, leaned back in my chair, and pulled my latte closer. I indulged myself watching him eat for a few minutes. It was always a sensual thing, and that hadn’t changed after all our time apart. He savored food, never rushed, and enjoyed everything he ate. I loved feeding him.

“So,” I began conversationally as he finished up. “What are you doing in town?”

Though we’d met in college, he wasn’t originally from the area, so I knew he had no reason to be there. Well, not like he was visiting family for the holiday or anything.