The lid of the watch chose that moment to snap open, startling us both. I tentatively reached out and pushed it closed, half expecting it to pop right open again. But it didn’t, and I mentally breathed a sigh of relief. I picked up the watch and slid it back into my pocket as I stood
“Give me a sec to put the casserole away. It’s movie time.”
“I can help,” Deacon offered as he stood.
“Nope. Go sit in the living room. Pick out the first movie. I’m just gonna leave the dishes in the sink. I’ll be there in a moment with Bailey’s-laced hot chocolate.”
Deacon studied me, but eventually he nodded and walked toward the door. I watched him leave and took a moment to sort out my thoughts. I felt bad for him, for everything he’d gone through, but I was glad to see he was handling it well. It might have been more than a decade since we’d seen each other, but I still knew him well enough to know when he was hiding things. He was never very good at it. The truth was in his eyes.