Something uncertain clicked within me, though, immediately. A turn of the screw, perhaps. A switch that had gone from off to on. Unthinkable recognition of my bad behavior. A realization of how awful I had been to him. Mean. Cruel. Uncaring. Disdainful. A terror.
More truth told: it was someone I didn’t want to be. I was someone who people liked to be around and found enjoyable. I was kind and sweet and charming and always shared compliments with people. Where had that person floated off and away? How could I have allowed bad behavior to happen with the lumberjack? What wrong turn had I strayed upon, changing?
“Can you help me?” Jack asked, pleading, sharing those adorable puppy dog eyes, a half-smile, and semi-opened mouth. Such a handsome man. Steel-like, but softer in the looks area. Giving. Kind-hearted. Gentlemanly. Not the horrible creature and monster I had made him out to be.