“You did it, man!” I called out over the screaming crowd.
“It was all about your cheering, Kemp,” he said, and kissed me again, applying his lips to my neck, melting me, confusing me, numbing me…something.
* * * *
Celebration at Timbers occurred after the remaining competitions of the Lumberjack Challenge that afternoon came to a close. Unfortunately, Chess didn’t join us, heading to his gym because of a frozen pipe. The winners sporting their blue ribbons (Jack, Tanya Quill, Sarah Breckner, Cara “Crafty” Lefton, Bill Demsy, Helen Rodd, Cheryl Binkenstein, and two others) all gathered at the bar wearing their blue ribbons. The place became uproarious as the married owners of the bar, Matt and Briggs Daly, provided the exclusive winners with three free drinks, each.