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Chapter 6

“You shouldn’t have told her,” I mumbled, getting back to the Angela thing. It was much safer ground.

“I couldn’t lie, Travis. She called, I answered, and she knew something was wrong by the sound of my voice. There was no way I was facing my mother’s wrath. If she later found out that not only were you in the emergency room, but that I knew and lied about it?” Noah shook his head fast and I knew at least some of that fear in his eyes was real.

“Yeah, but—”

“On the upside,” he interrupted quickly with a bright grin. “I’m the favored son right now, which means she listened to me when I explained that you didn’t need everyone hanging around, and I, as a nurse, was the best equipped to deal with your injuries. So I’m here to take care of you, and she isn’t. I’m made of awesome, right?” He said the last part with an accompanying eyebrow waggle.