Chapter 2

Why was it felt necessary—and who felt it was necessary—to have The Protector deliver the H’asean to her destination?Hssa sent his friend that thought. And howwas it that a Thresian princeling, and a minor one at that, could afford to pay the price?

Protector shrugged. Once she’s back safe, it will be The Protector’s privilege to discover the whos and the whys and deal with them as she sees fit.And he would be at her back. He had little doubt his expression now was filled with restrained savagery. He, who had been dedicated to protecting The Protector from his earliest years, had failed.

“Why did the mercenaries take her instead of the H’asean woman?” the captain asked, fortunately missing the fury of Protector’s expression. “Why not take both of them?”

“They couldn’t get to the H’asean woman. She was locked into the most impenetrable cabin on your ship.”

The captain blinked, confused. “Look, I love her, but impenetrable and Loolah don’t go hand in hand.”