Chapter 3

He noted that the fact they were having a practical conversation without any edge of flirtation seemed to make her much more comfortable in his company. Definitely a sensible girl,Jonathan thought as they placed the chosen seasonal branches in the basket.

Such was the ease between them that he hesitated to bring up the subject of Freddy lest she retreat into shyness. However, his cousin’s voice, loudly hallooing as he ran down the nearby slope, intervened neatly.

They both burst out laughing at the gleeful sound. Jonathan rolled his eyes. “Freddy is obviously being a great help with collecting the decorations,” he said.

Belinda smiled at him without constraint. “I don’t think anyone minds. He is always so lively and brings a sense of fun to every activity.”

“He does indeed,” agreed Jonathan, “and he has always been that way. I remember him shouting in sheer high spirits like that when he was ten years old. Nothing changes.” He smiled as he handed her the scissors.