Chapter 6

“Apparently it’s going to be an actual temporal crime,” Susan continued as they walked to the Power Building along one of the straight-as-an-arrow walkways that crisscrossed the campus between manicured swards of grass and occasional shrubs and well-tended flower beds.

Carl always felt happy walking along like this. It had been Carl’s dream, as long as he could remember, to become a Corpsman. The Time Corps, after all, was the guardian of the time stream, protector of the Ordered Society.

They approached the Power Building which, like all the other massive buildings of the Academy, was a simple cube in shape, beautiful in a stark way. Like everything else on campus, it vaguely reassured Carl. It was so—ordered.

Emotional lability—he repeated the term in his mind. He had taken the basic psychology course in first year; he knew what that meant: that he sometimes evaluated things with his heart rather than his head, more feelings than was good in a Corpsman.