Chapter 10

“Yes. And as you know, the Time Corps are the guardians of the time stream.” She paused. “Can anyone tell me what else we do in regard to the time stream?”

Susan put up her hand, and stood when the instructor nodded at her.

“Please Miss, we remove destructive elements—and we correct the influence of the incursions that have disturbed the time stream.”

“Indeed!” the instructor said. “Well put. You will have heard parts of this before, but it bears repeating.

“The time stream is not a passive thing. Quite the opposite. You can fiddle with it to a minor extent and it will be unaffected—in some manner that we do not as yet understand, heal itself, as it were. But sometimes that needs a little help. If you rupture it by changing something of historical importance, then you get what is termed a chronoclasm: a chaotic vortex in the time stream.