Chapter 12

“Just a pinch,” the man said, “to show I’m not bloodthirsty after all.” Then he leaned forward again, very close, so that for a second Carl thought he was going to kiss him. This thought both terrified him and yet simultaneously caused a disturbing rush of excitement that made him hard in his pajamas.

But a second later the man only growled and turned away, going back to the console.

“Anyway,” he said. “You gotta shut up now. I gotta take some readings.”

There were several minutes during which Carl sat still and Enzo was busy at the controls. There were vague hummings, and occasionally an odd feeling in his head. After this, Enzo began to ask him questions. This lasted several hours and became quite tedious—except for the occasional applications of powerful electric shocks via the chair armrests when Carl refused to answer some question or other.