Chapter 24

During this period Carl also noticed a certain number of interested glances coming his way from the other men. And there were no more hostile remarks about his being a fascist. Evidently the sortie he had led garnered him full acceptance as a pirate, which evidently meant that he was to be welcomed sexually as well as socially.

During one sleep period, Carl was shot out of his sleep by a wailing of the siren.

Armand was on his feet while Carl was still sitting up.

“Wait here!” he said, dressing quickly. “It’s an attack. You’ll only be in the way if you leave the room. I’ll be back for you or send someone.” Then he pressed a small panel and extracted several blasters. One of these he thrust into Carl’s hands. He kissed him quickly but passionately, murmured “Stay safe,” and was gone.

It was some time later that Carl took the weapon he had been given and went to open the door. It was locked.