Chapter 26

“You know, they’ll be able to track that—and any other device you have. I think you should ditch everything. Look. Give everything electronic to me, I’ll put it in a storage unit, and meet you at the incursion site. They’ll follow me, carrying them, but I know the corridors well—and you don’t.”


“So, I’ll meet you at the site of the entry. Where was it?”

Todd nodded, and gave a description of the location.

“I know where that is.” He gave the other man directions how to get there.

“Uh—,” Todd began again.

“It’s the only way,” Carl said. And when the big man still hesitated, Carl stood on tip-toes and kissed him on the lips. He did this to convince him, but discovered in the act that he was more intoxicated by the kiss than he had anticipated. It lasted several seconds.

When they broke off, Todd was grinning. He nodded, and ran off. Carl watched him go, admiring the leopard-like virility with which the man, despite his size, moved. And discovered he was half hard.