Chapter 28

“Damn!” he said. “Something’s been triggered. Or the field’s losing power.”

“The bubble generator I gave you? Yeah. It’s got limited duration.”

The beacon was now giving off tiny pulses of orange light.

This’ll never work, Carl thought. And I’m going to be in big trouble over this.

There came the sound of running in the distance, a cry from around the corner in one direction. Carl turned to Todd.

“You stay here. I’ll check that out. Stun them.”

Todd looked at him, but didn’t nod. Carl left him there. He had just reached the corner, when there came a slight flash from behind him. He turned—and saw the blue wall of an incursion field. It was perhaps two yards from him along the corridor.

I only have to get there, he told himself. But he knew he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t leave like that. He was turning back to the approach of the pirates, when he felt his head explode and the world go black.

* * * *