Chapter 34

Looking down at him, Armand stroked Carl’s hair.

“So nice,” he murmured. “So nice to be together again.”

They were silent for a time. Then there came a sudden loud shout.

“Hey, you two! Get a room!”

Both Carl and Armand leaped to their feet. A hugely-muscled black man, dressed in what looked like a leather loincloth, was regarding them from about twenty yards away. He was grinning from ear to ear.

Carl was stunned, and a little afraid, but Armand let out a whoop of joy.

“I’d know that physique anywhere,” he cried, and launched himself toward the figure. Carl followed, a little more slowly, and saw Armand scooped up into the larger man’s arms. When he was close enough to confirm his suspicions, he cried out.


Running forward, he was hugged when Armand climbed down from the big man’s arms.

“But,” Carl said uneasily. “I thought you were dead.”

Jamal laughed his big, bass laugh and shook his head.

“Oh, no. Not yet.”

“What about—?” Armand began, but stopped.