Chapter 80

“Hey, Josh,” James greeted in return before grinning wider and showing off those perfect rows of pearly whites. “How’s it hanging?”

“A little bit to the left this morning,” Joshua quipped back before realizing who he was talking to. “Shit! I…I’m sorry. Oh, motherfucker. Oh, damn it. No brain to mouth filter. Sorry. Can we pretend I didn’t just sprout off so many inappropriate, filthy words to you? I’m being so unprofessional.”

James stared at Joshua in silence for a second or two before he burst out laughing. “Hey, it’s fine. Just relax. I’d sworn and cursed much worse than you did. Believe me.”

Joshua was relieved after that. “Thanks. I guess.”

James smirked before placing one palm on Joshua’s lower back and gently pushing him forward. “It’s almost our turn. Step forward before we lose our places in the line.”

“Oh, right.”

“By the way,” James said before leaning in closer to Joshua’s left ear. “There’s something you should know.”