Chapter 89


James should learn to filter himself better. “Ugh, I’m dating someone at the moment.”

His mother appeared rather bewildered for a brief moment while she removed the lid off the earthenware pot before grabbing a spoon for James from one of the drawers and occupying the chair next to him. “Oh! Are you referring to that blue-eyed redhead? What’s his name again? Joe? Josh?”

“Joshua Wallace, Mom.”

“Oh, right. That sounds wonderful. How many dates have you had?”

James blushed as he slurped on the delicious chicken herbal soup. “One official date, but we met each other many times prior to that in a professional capacity.”

Lydia nodded, obviously excited. “When are you two going to get married?”

James almost choked on the soup in shock. “Mom! One date! It’s too soon.”

Lydia scoffed. “Feelings can be nurtured.”

“Things are done differently these days.”

“Right. So, what’s he like?”

James grinned at his mother. “He’s a sweet and lovely man.”