Chapter 8

As he put the CD cover back on the console, Rusty glanced at Nate and asked, “New Zealand group?” He’d had to speak up a little to be heard over the music, but Nate jumped. Rusty hadn’t thought he’d been thatloud.

When Nate responded, he looked and sounded like Mr. Grumpy again. “Yeah.”

Guess conversation is not on the agenda, Rusty thought. He was beginning to wish he had turned down Nate’s offer to put him up for the night. But before the sorrowful song ended, Nate reached over and clicked it off. Rusty could have sworn he saw the man roll his eyes, but he decided it would be best if he didn’t even try to interpret that.

“What kind of food for dinner?” Nate asked, speaking barely loud enough to be heard over road noise.