Chapter 42

“They moved up Kapiti way a couple of years ago after Mum’s cancer went into remission. My dad’s a plumber, so he travels all over the place anyway, and Mum loves it on the coast.”


“About an hour north from where I live. Lots of beaches and that kind of thing. It’s more like being in the country. A lot of people retire up there, but Dad figured they’d move now rather than wait. Thinking you’re going to lose someone makes you more aware of making the most of here and now, you know?”

“I’ll Google the area and take a look.” Rusty stared out to sea for a few moments. “You shouldn’t be,” he finally said, so quietly Nate almost missed it.

“Shouldn’t be what?”

Rusty hesitated, then spoke up clearly. “Nervous. About showing your art, I mean. I think plenty of people would be interested in buying even your sketches. They’re very good.”