Chapter 53

Finally through the preboarding checks, he turned to look back across the security space. Fortunately, he was tall enough to look over the heads of the small crowd coming through for screening. He prepared his face with a smile, not wanting to add to any sadness Nate might be feeling, but…

Nate wasn’t there.

He heard the boarding call for his flight over the com, but he stood still, searching, unable to process the idea Nate had left when there’d still been a chance their eyes could meet one more time.

Breathe, Thao, and accept it. He’s gone.

No! Rusty heard the second boarding call.

The connection you feel is in your mind.

No!Rusty knew he should head for his departure gate, but he couldn’t tear himself away from the glass wall. He moved slowly along its short length, sorting through the faces on the other side and losing hope.

So it turns out it was just a fuck after all, Beaumont.