Ollie smiled to himself as he realized he thought the guy was hot. No. No. No, he told himself. Number one, you don’t even know which way this guy goes. Odds are, he’s straight. And number two, what kind of perv thinks about how hot a guy is in a situation like this one? You’re supposed to be helping him, not lusting after him. Ollie shook his head, knowing that sexual attraction had never been tempered by goodwill or even common sense. The body wanted what it wanted. Still, Ollie knew he’d be better off if he shoved any such thoughts deep down inside.
Hank finished his cigarette and pitched it over the side of the landing, where, Ollie was sure, it would join thousands of other fallen comrades. “I guess you need to be gettin’ back home, huh? I mean, you have a job and shit, and I’ve kept you up all night.”