WebNovelThe Sir52.94%

Chapter 9

“You won’t need them living here. If you need something specific, you ask, and I’ll decide whether it’s necessary.”

I tried not to sigh while my mouth corners wilted. This arrangement proved to be more challenging than I’d thought. Still, I wanted it. I didn’t want to go back to my job and live the blah life I’d been living. It was nice to have some kind of companionship, too. I’d been lonely with hardly any realfriends, and Theresa and I were just roommates. I was sure she’d enjoy the apartment all to herself with how often we got on each other’s nerves.

Nicholas was fully dressed, and he stepped closer to me. “Anytime you decide you want out, you ask. Your physical and mental health matter, and if this life is ever too much for you, you let me know. Do you understand?”