Chapter 13

“Looks like we’ve seen the last of the snow, at least for a couple of days,” he said.

“Thankfully. Maybe we’ll get a little more business tomorrow morning.”

“Only in the morning?” Marty asked.

“Yeah. I thought I told you. We close at noon since it’s Christmas Eve. I’ve learned from experience that no one comes by after that. You’ll be working at the bar tomorrow night, right?”

“And Christmas night, too. Maybe I should take you up on your offer and get a costume.”

Trey grinned. “A gladiator. That should earn you double tips from the ladies.”

“Not sure the boss would go for it. Maybe a red vest and that red bowler I saw on one of the shelves.”

“And nothing else?” Trey’s grin widened.

Marty snorted. “As if. My usual black slacks and white shirt.”

“Uh-uh. No shirt, just the vest.”

“Are you trying to get me fired?”

“No, but it would be sexy without overdoing it.” Trey nodded, eyeing him. “You’ve got the build for it.”