Chapter 20

After taking two bites of pie, Trey asked Bill, “Do I dare compliment your mother, again?”

“I think you already did, obliquely,” Bill replied.

Trey grinned. “Did, didn’t I?” He realized, as he spoke, that he was comfortable joking with Bill and the others. They’re like a second family. They make me feel as if I belong. This is how it should be, and I know it will be the same for Marty when I take him home with me this Easter. Damn, am I planning that far ahead for us? Yeah, I am. It might be too soon. We’re barely starting to be more than friends, but fingers crossed, we’ll be at the point by then that asking him to meet my family will feel right. He took Marty’s hand, giving it a squeeze.

“What was that about?” Marty asked.

“Letting you know I’m glad I’m here with you and your family.” He lowered his voice so only Marty would hear him as he added, “It feels right.”