* * * *
It was near nine o’clock when Sammy got sick. Or, Henry thought, sicker, because he knew the guy came into work not feeling good. He’d seen him. His usually dark Mediterranean complexion had paled, and there was something dead in his eyes. Later, when Henry had seen him working at his station, he noticed how his ashen skin was coated with a shiny patina of sweat. Henry had assumed it was just from the heat.
But when Carmela sidled up behind him just after he’d finished serving a very handsome gay couple on what Henry hoped was a date, he knew the sweat was from something else. Carmela yanked him away from the grouping of tables and pulled him toward the hostess desk.
“Sammy’s got the flu.”
“What? And he’s been prepping food all night?” Henry was horrified when he thought of all the people the guy could have made sick.
Carmela rolled her eyes. “Okay. Let’s just saySammy’s got the flu.”
“What are you talking about?”